David Gall Memorial Scholarship   


David Gall began working with transfer students at The Ohio State University in the early 1990’s. At that time, the state of Ohio had just begun to legislate the aspects of transferring college credit. Along with OSU leadership, David Gall was instrumental in developing policies and practices at OSU to support those statewide initiatives. David actively and passionately promoted inter-institutional partnerships across the state that benefited transfer students.

David was an early member of the Ohio Transfer Council and was involved in the merger of the North and South Councils. It has been said that David Gall was “a tireless advocate for transfer students and never met a stranger that he couldn’t charm/bargain/persuade to work on behalf of the students.” The Ohio Transfer Council is pleased to honor his work, his dedication, and his passion with the David Gall Memorial Scholarship. David passed away in 2004 but through this scholarship he continues to help transfer students succeed.

Jason Gibson Memorial Scholarship

Jason Gibson was a true transfer advocate – building his career for over 13 years at Lorain County Community College, where he actually started as a transfer student himself.  It was his authentic dedication to help serve the underserved, ability to make everyone feel special, and his witty sense of humor that people admired.  He earned his Associate of Arts from LCCC, a Bachelor of Social Work from Youngstown State University, and a Master of Arts in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University.  His commitment to student success was unmatched.  He served as an advisor, a student success coach, an adjunct instructor and most recently as the Manager for Enrollment and Advising Services.  He passed away unexpectedly in January 2021.

He served on the Ohio Transfer Council executive board as a scholarship chair, so he had a special passion for supporting students to receive awards like this.  It is only fitting that we remember and honor Jason and his incredible impact with this scholarship, allowing his legacy to live on.

Scholarship Information

In honor of David Gall and Jason Gibson and their work with The Ohio Transfer Council, we award multiple, non-renewable $1,000 scholarships for students transferring from one member institution to another.  The number of scholarships awarded each year may vary, depending on available funds.  Scholarship funds are disbursed at the beginning of each term and are based on a student's grade report and enrollment status of the prior term. The scholarship application as well as eligibility guidelines and criteria are below. 

Application:  David Gall Memorial Scholarship application now open, Jason Gibson Memorial Scholarship application will open May 1. 

Eligibility Guidelines and Criteria

2025 David Gall Memorial Scholarship Application Checklist (PDF)

Application for the David Gall Memorial Scholarship (2025 application open February 1-April 1, 2025)

2025 Jason Gibson Memorial Scholarship Application Checklist (PDF)

Application for the Jason Gibson Memorial Scholarship (2025 application will open May 1, 2025)


Click here for a list of current membership colleges and universities (please note only transfer students to and from OTC member institutions are eligible). 

Questions? Contact our Scholarship Committee Chair, Chaka Wilson at ohiotransfercouncilscholarship@gmail.com


Congratulations to the 2024 David Gall Memorial Scholarship recipients:


Joseph Stegman

Transferring from Lorain County Community College to Ursuline College

Muktharatullah Kamal-Muili

Transferring from Columbus State Community College to The Ohio State University

Carly Webster

Transferring from Sinclair Community College to Baldwin Wallace University

Congratulations to the 2024 Jason Gibson Memorial Scholarship recipients:

Brooke McNeil

Transferring from Ashland University to Baldwin Wallace University

Kelsey Frantz

Transferring from Sinclair Community College to the University of Dayton

Marissa Brigger

Transferring from Lorain County Community College to Baldwin Wallace University

Thank you to all of our 2024 applicants. We had many excellent students apply, so this year's decision was a difficult one. 

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