Committee Membership
Committee Membership
Standing committees will consist of two individuals as co-chairs. For purposes of the two-thirds quorum for Executive Board changes, the quorum will be based on committee representation rather than total number of members. There are currently six standing committees, below you will find a description of each committee and their responsibilities.
Membership: Develop a marketing plan to encourage and increase membership; coordinate a membership drive; monitor membership dues, which will be paid via the website; ensure that an annual membership list is published through the OTC Website.
Professional Development: Plan and implement outreach and education on issues of transfer for OTC membership and those professionals we serve; promote and coordinate the OTC conference; scholarships.
Annual Conference: Plan, promote, and coordinate yearly conference; select speakers and facilitators; determine conference fees; select location and other duties as determined.
Scholarship: Educate and promote about transfer scholarship opportunities; establish guidelines and maintain stewardship of OTC scholarship funds.
Communications: Shall consist of the following sub-committees:
- Publications: Keep all materials updated; maintain all communication materials; design letterhead for OTC.
Website: Review, design and maintain the OTC website; gather information from the OTC Executive Board and Committee Chairs and distribute this information via the OTC website; manage the collection of dues through the website; publish a list of OTC members.